The BASE Group actively promotes the initiatives below in line with its human rights declaration.

Realizing Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DE&I)

Personnel System

The BASE Group has expanded the scope of eligibility for paid leave for births, marriages or deaths in the family, cash gifts for such congratulatory or condolence purposes, nursing care for a child, and family care leave to include same-sex partnerships and de facto marriages between persons of the same sex on their family registers. We have also made it known within the company that the use of preferred names based on self-recognized gender is allowed. Additionally, we have mechanisms in place to support employees with disabilities and those of foreign nationality through regular check-ins, ensuring an environment where every employee can work comfortably.

Internal Training System

We conduct DE&I training for employees, emphasizing the importance of communication that respects human rights.

Efforts Centered on the Ally Community to Promote Understanding of LGBTQ+

Launching of the Internal Ally Community “BASE_rainbow”
Launching of the Internal Ally Community “BASE_rainbow”

Taking action that places importance on the concept of SOGI (Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity), the Ally Community believes everyone, regardless of majority or minority status, has a stake in issues related to gender and sexuality. Through this community, we also plan and implement activities to promote understanding across various aspects of diversity beyond gender and sexuality.
Launching the Ally Community to create a society where all people can live lives true to themselves

Collaboration with and Support of Companies and Organizations that Promote Understanding of LGBTQ+ in Society
Collaboration with and Support of Companies and Organizations that Promote Understanding of LGBTQ+ in Society

Our support of diversity events signifies our intent as an Ally. Taking such events as an opportunity to conduct Ally activities as a company, we consider and provide sponsorship for events that align with our beliefs.
Report on “Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2023”: Our Ally Community members exhibited BASE’s debut booth.

PRIDE Index 2023 Gold certification

BASE Group has received Gold Award in the PRIDE Index 2023 for achieving all indicators. The PRIDE Index was established with the objective of workplaces enabling LGBTQ+ employees to work with pride. We have undertaken a range of initiatives to improve the workplace including the human resources system, the internal training scheme and establishing an internal community. We will continue to respect diversity and undertake initiatives to make this an environment where all people can pursue their careers fairly.
BASE Group receives Gold Award in the PRIDE Index 2023 (in Japanese) 

Achieving Diverse Lifestyles Unbounded by Life Stage, Social Environment, Place, or Time

Collaboration with Administration for Value Creation using E-commerce and Payment Solutions

Our Partnership Achievements with Administrations and Local Governments:

  • Signed a comprehensive partnership agreement with Oita Prefecture(August, 2022)
  • Signed a comprehensive partnership agreement with Kumamoto City(April, 2023)
  • Signed a partnership agreement with Kyoto City Board of Education(May, 2023)
  • Signed a partnership agreement with Sapporo City Board of Education(December, 2023)
E-commerce Support Seminars for Businesses
E-commerce Support Seminars for Businesses

In collaboration with administrations with which we partner, we offer on-demand e-commerce support seminars that provide know-how on setting up and managing online shops, focusing on the operation of sustainable in-house e-commerce sites for local businesses to expand their sales channels.

Early E-commerce Education Support
Early E-commerce Education Support

Collaborating with educational institutions of administrations with which we partner, we conduct hands-on lessons at public high schools on setting up an online store.
By leveraging our expertise in e-commerce and using our online shop creation service “BASE,” we provide a hands-on program in setting up an online shop, creating opportunities for students to broaden their career options through early e-commerce education.

Online shop setup seminar for educators

In collaboration with Boards of Education and teachers, BASE is launching a new online shop setup seminar for educators to tackle the issue faced by many in the profession: the lack of teachers able to teach e-commerce at school, despite it being part of the curriculum, and simply a deficit of knowledge and experience in the area of e-commerce.